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Margaritas by Moonlight (A Romance Novella): Maybe Mandy 2 Page 4
Margaritas by Moonlight (A Romance Novella): Maybe Mandy 2 Read online
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I know, completely whorish thought. But hey…sometimes a girl’s gotta get a little whorish.
I’m not the stay at home and wait to get dicked over Mandy…not anymore.
I’m Mandy on the prowl. Mandy in Cancun. Apparently, Mandy who talks about herself in the third person.
And at the moment, really tipsy Mandy who needs to have sex really bad.
So there I was contemplating my whorish thought. I’d gone from just a crazy chick on the dance floor getting drunk and having fun, to an extremely horny crazy chick ready to let this stranger bury his shaft inside of me.
“My name’s Chad,” he whispered in my ear. “I got your message from the other flight attendant. You still wanna screw my brains out?”
And jackpot.
Both at the same time. Jill’s big mouth is going to get me laid for once.
Hearing his invitation excited me. I felt myself getting moist. I could feel the hard cloth of his zipper pushing against my clit. The music changed to a song I could actually move to.
And I did.
I began moving my hips to the music, rocking to the rhythm. I was into it, grinding my pussy lips against his rock hard member. I moaned out loud as he pressed against my clit again and as I looked around I saw that nobody noticed.
No one could hear me cry out in pleasure. I tried it, I squealed a little the next time he pressed against me, and nobody looked my way.
I can actually fuck him right now and no one would know.
Our location at the end of the bar, right at the corner, gave us some sort of blind spot where everyone seemed to be looking past us or away from us.
I reached beneath my skirt and unzipped his pants. I felt for him, finding him there, hiding away beneath briefs. I pulled them to the side and palmed the head of his cock, giving it a squeeze.
A wave of dizziness and nausea came over me. I squeezed him harder than I meant to. But he seemed to like it. I recovered from the queasiness and leaned forward to give myself room to work.
I stroked his cock fast and hard, my grip wrapping around him, feeling the thickness and length of him slide between my fingers. My pussy ached as I imagined taking all of it inside me and grinding him to the sound of the music.
But I needed him to be harder.
I didn’t have time be gentle. I was in a nightclub full of people. And I was just trying to get him ready to sit on. He was almost there.
You know, when a guy’s thick but lifeless, like a soft taco when you’re really in the mood for crunchy? This was the hunk…but not for long.
“Do you want me?” I asked in a childlike teasing voice.
“Oh yeah baby,” he said.
Baby. Argh! I hate that. Okay don’t ask that again, he sounds too douchebaggy.
Braden called me that too but for some reason it was different coming from him. It seemed sincere.
Not the same with this guy and I had to remind myself not to put him in a position to use the word again.
I held him in my hand, gripping him and getting him ready. With my other hand, I adjusted my skirt so nobody could see under it and lifted myself up. I pulled my panties to the side and put my pussy lips against his head. Then I thought about it.
“Do you have a rubber?” I asked him.
This wasn’t Braden. I didn’t use any protection with Braden, and I’d started using the pill after Braden, but still, this guy seemed sleazy to me and it worried me a little.
“Umm, no, not on me,” he said.
I closed my eyes and nearly fell over again. I was proud of myself for thinking of protection with liquor coursing through my veins, but now I had a dilemma. Did I just say fuck it and ride his cock or did I get up and say forget the whole thing?
“Don’t worry, I’m clean. The airline tests constantly,” he assured me.
I didn’t believe him. But I was so fucking horny. I was literally an inch from burying this dick inside of me. And my pussy was aching for it. I needed it. I’d gone months without it and I wanted so badly to just sink down onto him.
I held him in my hand, stroking his cock as I tried to buy myself some time. He was kind of small, not ridiculously so, but smaller than average. That was fine by me. I just wanted to fuck.
As I made the decision to just fuck this guy and enjoy life, and was about to slide down on him, he said, “I’m gonna come.”
It was like the DJ suddenly scratched the record.
What? Did he just say he was going to come already? We haven’t even…but we haven’t…it’s not fair.
I could hear the whiny little child inside my head stamping her foot. It just wasn’t fair. I let go of him and angrily got off his lap.
“What happened?” he asked.
I considered yelling, “Nothing happened, that’s the problem!” But instead I went with, “I have to pee.”
I glanced at the counter and saw two shot glasses next to Chad’s hand. I grabbed them both, and with double fists, I threw them into my throat. I slammed the empty glasses down on the bar.
“Hold that thought,” I told him. “Calm down and I’ll be right back.”
I don’t know what happened exactly. I really did have to pee and I figured it would give the hunk time to cool off so we could actually hook up.
I remember going to the bathroom, well, at least I remember heading that way. There was a line. I remember that much.
And I remember the music making my head roll. I swore the club was spinning all around me. And the rest of the night is in flashbacks.
Two girls made out in front of me as I stood in line.
I reached the bathroom and all the stalls were full. I peed somewhere. I don’t remember where exactly. But I know I peed. Did I pee in the drain? No…maybe.
I danced. Not with Chad. With some other guy.
I kissed a guy. A completely different guy.
I danced with another guy. He had his shirt off.
And I remember suds, bubbles or something like that, everywhere.
Jill was on stage at some point, in her white dress, getting sprayed with water.
And I remember grabbing several more of the neon test tubes.
And that’s all I remember.
I woke up in my hotel room. I was on my back. The lights were on. The room was too bright. And the room was spinning. And an alarm was going off.
“Unh unh unh unh unh”
I felt like I was going to throw up. My head was throbbing.
And that fucking alarm keeps going off. Somebody please turn off that damned alarm.
“Unh unh unh unh unh”
I rolled over and looked toward Jill’s bed and that’s when I realized it wasn’t an alarm. Two naked bodies were in front of me. Jill was straddling a guy, completely naked, her back arched and her boobs out. Her long black hair hung down over her face.
“Unh unh unh unh unh,” she moaned and sighed.
Beneath her was Chad. His wispy blond hair, his cleft chin, his god-like muscular body. He had an amazing tan. They both did.
And Jill had awesome shoes.
Wait? Are those the shoes she bought when we were at the mall? Oh God, I’m still really drunk. Oh this isn’t good.
I stared on in disbelief and nausea as Jill rode Chad with a fury like I’d never seen. She was either really enjoying it or was super pissed because she wasn’t. Her teeth were clenched and she was hissing through them.
She was fucking the guy I almost fucked earlier. I couldn’t figure out how I’d gone from almost having sex with the guy to a bunch of other shit that was rolling around in my head.
“Yeah, baby. Take it all,” Chad said in the cheesiest porno voice.
I hated him.
He looked over at me. He looked at me and I couldn’t fucking believe it. The asshole actually winked at me.
He lifted his head, shook his blond mane, and winked.
Just one eye.
If he’d blinked I would’ve been fi
ne with it. Two eyes could’ve meant that he got something in his eyes or that his contacts were dry or that he had a tick of some sort.
But no. It was one eye.
One fucking eye.
Jill looked at me and laughed. “Guess he’s not gay after all,” she said.
Jill has never taken a guy I was after. It’s not her. As coldhearted, and bitchy, and downright horny as she can be, she’s never screwed me over. So I wasn’t mad at her. She probably had no idea I’d almost hooked up with Chad.
After all, he’d mistakenly thought I was the one who’d mentioned wanting to screw him on the plane, so in all reality, the two of them were supposed to hook up.
But still.
He fucking winked at me.
It was like douchebag morse code or something.
I got up and went to the bathroom. When I came out, Chad had Jill bent over and was eating her pussy from behind. She was holding onto the side of the bed, gripping the sheet in her fists, facing me. Her mouth was open so wide I thought her top lip would touch her nose. And her eyes looked drugged. If nothing else, the hunk seemed to know how to eat pussy.
Damn him. That could’ve been me.
I was still fully clothed so I left. I went next door to sleep at Ben’s. When I banged on the door, he opened it wearing nothing but a towel. I didn’t even ask to enter. I just shoved past him and lay down on the first bed I came to.
“Come on in,” Ben said sarcastically. “Hope you don’t mind I have company.”
I hadn’t noticed. I looked to the right and saw his “company” lying naked on the other bed, cock limp and to the side, like a crushed kickstand.
“Benny, I’m sorry,” I said. “Did I interrupt?”
“Do I look like you interrupted me?” he asked with big ol’ grin. “If you had I wouldn’t have opened the door. I was kinda busy a few minutes ago.”
He lay down next to me.
“We finished a while ago. I was just taking a shower.”
“Benny, I’m not feeling so hot,” I said.
“Just sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
He pulled me to his chest and stroked my hair.
I love Ben.
I closed my eyes. He turned off the light.
“Benny?” I said in the darkness. “I’m not doing so well on this conquest of mine.”
“There’s not a single guy in Mexico who wouldn’t die to sleep with you, honey. And not a single guy in the world who deserves you.”
Chad was gone by the time I returned to my room the next morning. Thank God because I didn’t think I could face him after last night. In the state I was in, I don’t think I could face anyone.
I was miserable.
Plopping down on the bed face first, I passed out with no intention of dealing with the world.
I am never drinking again.
Unfortunately for me, but very fortunate for her, Jill is a very rare breed. She’s the kind of girl who can drink whatever she wants at whatever quantity she sees fit and won’t suffer for it the next day.
I could hear her singing some popular tune from the radio as she brushed her teeth. It must’ve been a few hours after I’d returned to the room, but in a drunken haze, a few hours feels like a few minutes.
I was in no shape to join her in her revelry. I did get out of bed though. I stumbled right past her in the bathroom, bent over the toilet, and vomited.
I know, that’s gross. But you’ve been there, right?
I don’t know how many of the drinks I’d consumed had rum in them, but I can tell you that everything coming out tasted like the stuff. And everything I ate or drank the rest of the day tasted like it.
Rum has that odd effect. It’s like the cilantro of the drink world.
“Mmm, I bet that felt a lot better going down,” Jill teased.
I looked up at her and through foggy vision I saw her standing there in her sports bra and tight jogging pants, one hand on her hip, her toothbrush dangling from her mouth.
She looked like she’d spent the night soaking in a warm bath before winding down with a chick flick on TV. Not like she’d been swallowing hard shots all night and then been bent over doggy style in the bed right next to me.
How is she possible? She’s like the Terminator.
“In the mood for a mimosa?” she asked.
“Fuck…you…” I said before grabbing my own hair, holding it back, and spewing whatever was left into the porcelain bowl.
I didn’t budge for a long time. I slept through horrible nightmares and threw up some more. I drank A LOT of bottled water. I knew I needed to hydrate. My muscles ached and my mouth was made of cotton.
I’m never drinking again.
I said it and I meant it. I’d formed a plan in my mind, one that had everything to do with sleeping on the beach and drinking water.
Lounging by the pool and drinking water.
Watching late night TV and drinking water.
Drinking water and drinking water.
Ben didn’t seem to care what we did on vacation as long as he was away from home and could check out the hotties by the pool. He was pretty hung over too and seemed just as amazed at Jill’s lack of pain and torture as I was.
Jill and Ben hit the pool and stayed in it for well over an hour. The last thing I wanted was to feel the rocking of the waves or the splashing of my friends.
As they played in the water, I lay there with my sunglasses on, feeling the blazing sun beating down against my pale(ish) skin. That’s when I heard the sweetest voice with the hottest accent ever.
“Choo should drink this,” he said.
I looked up to see a dark silhouette, the sun behind him blotching out all his features. He was a shadow in a teal polo.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to be rude. I’m flattered, really, but I’m a recovering alcoholic.”
“Ma’am, thrust me. I been there. And choo should drink dis.”
I couldn’t even see this guy, but I was entranced by his Mexican accent. It was so awesome. I wanted to hear him say “choo” just a few more times. “Choo should come back to my place.” Or, “Choo should just leave chor clothes on da pile der on da floor.”
I sat up on my elbows and held my hand up to block the sun that was stretching out in front of him and blasting me right in the eyes. He squatted down close to me and I finally saw my visitor’s features.
His voice matched his face perfectly. He was tan, with honey-brown eyes, black hair gelled back and parted in the middle. He wore the hotel’s uniform shirt, which fit him tight and showcased his bulging pecs.
Now this is what the Cancun conquest is all about.
I lifted my sunglasses and then let them fall, remembering my eyes were probably as bloodshot as could be and nobody would find that attractive.
Wow, this guy was gorgeous.
He was all man and, when he smiled, something about the way his lips parted and his eyes wrinkled at their corners made him look so genuine.
His grin was almost little kid like but I mean a little boy before he learns to be devilish and sly. It was an honest to goodness smile. And it melted my heart. I didn’t know anything about this guy but I wanted to.
“Is this some kind of hangover cure?” I asked.
“Ches,” he replied.
Aww, can’t pronounce his Ys. That’s so fucking adorable. I just want to take him in my arms and hug him.
“Do you work here?”
I already knew the answer, I just wanted to hear him say it.
“Ches, ma’am.”
“And you brought this all the way over here for me?”
Ches, ma’am. Ooooooooh I love him.
“Ches, ma’am,” he replied, not letting me down one bit.
“That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” I said, realizing right after the words came out of my mouth that he was a hotel employee and it might be his job to provide aid to the battered damsels rotting away in the
sun with no intention of spending any money anywhere else in the hotel.
“How did you know I needed this?” I asked him.
I strained to see his nametag pinned to his silhouetted frame.